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FOXHOUND: Special Force Group

General: BigB0ssSnake

Major General: MrsKellieDeeKay

In-game Account Name:



Birth date (Day/Month/Year):

What do you expect from FH if you join?:

Do you have friends that are in FH? (Yes or No):

If Yes for above, what are their names? (Optional):

Previous groups that you have been in on IMVU:

Why should FH accept your application?:

Do you want to share anything else? (Optional):

I have read all the rules and agree to obey all of them at all times no matter what happens. I also agree that I may be kicked if I happen to disobey any of these rules at any given time. (Yes or No):

Interested in joining? Submit an Application

Lieutenant General: JusticeAndPunishment

Please fill out the application CORRECTLY and PROFESSIONALLY

Brigadier General: xIMcCoyIx

Success! Message received.

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